Judith Cotelle (Judi DESIGN), a freelance Graphic Designer based in Hiroshima (Japan), specialising in logo, visual identity, branding and packaging design
So you have stunning products or services to offer?
I'm here to help you highlight them with a bespoke visual identity or packaging design!
If you want to break the mould, and disregard fleeting, superficial trends.
If you want to communicate authentically. We are going to get along perfectly!
You’re proud of what you’ve built. And everything you need to make it work seems to be there.
But… you’re still missing a little something to attract customers with your sentimentality.
Customers who want to invest in quality. Who love well-crafted products and are receptive to beautiful things.
I work a lot with young cosmetic brands, restaurants and bars, independent producers (beverages or food), craftsmen… But I’m always thrilled to work on new types of projects!

Or maybe you already have a team and a strategy ready and are simply looking for an independent and creative print graphic designer who shares your vision…
I’m Judith Cotelle, or Judi, as I’m known in Japan.
Far from fleeting trends and clichés!
And to give you the means to attract the customers or the audience you dream of.
How can I do this?
By focusing on your vision, to reveal your particularities with an image that breathes authenticity.

I was born in France, but I have already spent a third of my life in Japan. However, this wasn’t predestined.
Summer 2006 – I’m spending a summer vacation in Hiroshima.
It was love at first sight. And… poof! Ten months later, I pack my bags and come back to settle down.
In 2013, I joined Nininbaori, a Japanese creative agency. Then, after six awesome and rewarding years, I finally decided to go independent.
As you can imagine, I had to adapt, expose myself to a multitude of ideas and viewpoints, and question my certainties.

But Japan is not the end of the road. I also love to explore the rest of the world and soak up the richness of different cultures from around the globe.
It allows me to broaden my mindset, free myself from preconceptions and shake up stereotypes.
With each new experience and encounter I develop as a Graphic Designer.
It is from this diversity that I draw my inspiration. Not only from this, but also from other domains that fascinate me: art, music, cinema, photography, architecture, the list goes on…
Travelling the world is often travelling in different times and eras.
Ah… you can see it in the small Japanese neighbourhoods that have retained the retro charm of the Showa era!
Creating links between the past and the present
Drawing from the aesthetics and artisanal techniques of the past, and incorporating the charm and elegance of other eras, is my thing.
But I don’t mimic them!
I prefer to revisit them in my own way while retaining the depth that is often missing from current fads.
I like to add a subtle vintage touch and a pinch of nostalgia to contemporary visuals so that they survive the test of time.

I need to analyze, dissect and scratch beneath the surface to better understand things and the world around me, and this is reflected in my working relationship with clients.
Like you and your customers, I have a passion for things made with love and care, considering beautiful materials and quality production.
I’d be happy to suggest beautiful papers as well as refined and original printing techniques to enhance your marketing collateral!
A Graphic Design who speaks English for your business in Japan
Your company is located in Japan, but you prefer to
- communicate in English with your Graphic Designer
- with someone who knows the specifics of Japan
- who lives in the same time zone as you
- who can take care of the relationship with Japanese printers and other suppliers
I can help you with your logo, your visual identity and your communication materials!
My Services
They were happy to hire me

Judith’s skill stood out to me the moment I took a look at her portfolio.
Her ability to blend classic design and modern aesthetic was exactly what I was looking for in my branding project.
Furthermore, Judith is a fantastic designer to work with! I expressed early on in the project that I had regrettably few references for my chosen aesthetic in my field, and Judith was extremely understanding and worked with me to develop that aesthetic.
Working with Judith truly felt like a collaboration, with me bringing observations and ideas to the table and Judith using her design expertise to make it a reality. Judith and I were in regular communication over the course of weeks to complete my project, and I never doubted that there would be a reply to my email.
Moreover, I sincerely appreciated Judith’s willingness to try my suggestions, even if only to illustrate why my ideas could use adjustment. I never felt like she “took over” the design; rather she would make changes that improved the design with my original vision consistently at the forefront.
I highly recommend Judith to anyone looking for skillful, artistic graphic design from a diligent and communicative designer.
− Jessica Gonzalez-Wu
Certare Tutoring (USA)

I highly recommend working with Judith.
I asked her to create my visual identity and labels, and she met all my expectations.
Her offer was clear, and the questionnaire she asked me to fill out guided her toward our universe, allowing her to propose a design that suited my needs.
Her proposals were pertinent, and two years after she created my logo, I’m still just as happy with her artistic work. I’ve had nothing but wonderful feedback on her creations.
Many thanks again for your professionalism and artistic touch!
(translated from French)
− Marie-Laure SHIODA
DokiDoki Lab (France)

We hired Judith to create our visual identity. She listened to our needs and brought her graphic and artistic skills.
She was very responsive and quickly brought our project to a successful conclusion. We can only recommend her; you won’t be disappointed.
Thanks again ありがとうジュ
(Translated from French)
− Bastien Schweickhardt
My Sweet Chocolaterie (Switzerland)

After having worked with Judith on our company’s logo, fonts and brand packaging, I would highly recommend her for brand design work for several reasons.
First, she is efficient in communication and providing deliverables.
In addition, and most importantly, she is creative and collaborative.
Lastly, her rates are more than fair.
− M R
Pac Pac Snacks (USA)

I was unsure of who to go to for my logo design. I had specific requirements that couldn’t be fulfilled by just anyone. I needed someone who understood the nuisances of both Japanese and English and who could take existing work and turn it into something amazing.
Judith did just that. I found her through an internet search and I was immediately taken back by her abilities. She made such beautiful designs that mixed exactly what I was looking for.
She ended up creating a logo perfect for my little furniture start up side job. After some back and forth of ideas, she came up with designs quickly and efficiently. Her price was fair and it matched the work that she output.
On top of that, Judith’s professionalism was over the top. Her conduct has inspired and influenced me as I attempt to start a business.
To Judith: Thank you for your time and the awesome logo. I hope to see lots of success from you in the future.
− Christopher Walker
Wayou Woodworks (Japan)

Judith understood my requests and expectations very well. She listened and gave very good advice. She was very precise and explained her choices in detail.
It’s clear and an absolute pleasure to work with her.
I felt very confident.
For the creativity of this project, she harmoniously and elegantly blended modernity and tradition.
Deadlines were met quickly, but she also gave me time to think.
She chose the best Japanese suppliers and craftsmen for the tote bags and business cards. I also appreciated her kindness. I couldn’t have hoped for better. The very best!
(Translated from French)
− Isabelle Mallet
Galerie Mallet sarl / Autour du Japon (France)

Judith brilliantly took care of all the technical and visual details of my book on Japanese villages.
Quite simply, without her, I don’t even know if I’d have managed to stay motivated until the end of such a complex project!
In the end, I enjoyed it, and that’s thanks to the quality of her services and her good humor. I can’t wait to work on new books, and I’ll be doing it – without a second’s hesitation! – with Judith
(Translated from French)
− Jordy Meow
Éditions Meow (Japan)

海外のアートティストが数ある作品を掲載している中で、何気に見た作品のポートフォリオに目が留まり、【 海外の人が見て感じたJapan。 】
あら?こんなデザインする外人さんが広島いるんだなぁとか思っていた頃、自社の業務中で、ふと、『女性のデザイナーって中々いないなぁ…+ センスが良い人…』居るわけないと思っていた。
Judi was introduced to me by friends.
Because of my work in the creative sector, I often have the opportunity to consult websites and portfolios and look at the work of different artists.
And one day, amidst the creations of several foreign graphic designers, a portfolio caught my eye immediately: it looked like Japan as seen and felt by a foreigner.
I really thought it was a style that a Japanese person wouldn’t be able to produce. I thought it was classy and really liked the atmosphere.
Then I looked at this person’s profile and discovered that she lived in Japan. And in Hiroshima no less!
I couldn’t believe it! I’d never have imagined that there were foreign graphic designers in Hiroshima who had such good style! Then I realized that, in our industry, there weren’t many women or people with real taste…
Well, they do! And what’s more, one of my friends knew her! haha
Judi is a stylish Frenchwoman with great sensitivity and a love of Japan. She speaks Japanese with ease and is always willing to learn. She’s also a graphic designer you can count on.
(translated from Japanese)
− Masanori Sawano、クリエイティブディレクター Creative Director
seeds.limited / zenpang_agreegate (Japan)

Quite simply, Judith is a joy to work with!
“Shuwa-Shuwa,” our illustrated book on Japanese onomatopoeia, was a real challenge (and our first book). It was produced in collaboration with 100 artists from 35 countries in English, French, and Japanese.
Judith listened to us, guided us, and came up with brilliant ideas and designs. Throughout the project, we could count on Judith’s good humor and enthusiasm to keep us moving forward and designing our book.
“Shuwa-Shuwa” 2 will be made with you, Judith, with great pleasure!
Les M&M&m&m
(Translated from French)
Shuwa-Shuwa (France)

In the traditional Japanese restaurant sector, there’s a lot of use of classic, chic aesthetics, but I wanted something more pop, that didn’t give the impression of an overly luxurious restaurant you’d hesitate to enter.
However, I wanted it to be clear at first glance that we serve excellent fish-based cuisine, and Judith succeeded in transposing this perfectly into my visual identity.
I’m really pleased with it.
(translated from Japanese)
− 廣澤 雅久、オーナー Gaku Hirosawa, Owner
㐂すけ kisuke (Japan)

− Kawarasaki Shuji, owner

OLIVER RICHのプロダクトデザインは、カラフルかつ上品な雰囲気で。というコンセプトでデザインをお願いし、まさにそのようなデザインで仕上げていただきました!
− rika kunimasa